The highest mountain in Australasia. It's magnificent. Our room looks out and up to the snow- capped top of Aoraki, the Maori name. Bill and I hiked up the Hooker Valley trail this morning. We walked over two swing bridges and saw the river below the glacier which is shrinking , of course, everyday. It is warm here, with a little breeze in the afternoon. Actually, this morning was hot in the sunshine, although the air was cool and dry. We got back in time for lunch at the Old Pioneers cafe.
On the way here yesterday, we stopped at the Moeraki Boulders on the coast and the Elephant Rocks in the Waitaki Valley. Both are so unusual and beautiful. The geography and vistas change so fast in NZ. You can drive from the beach to the snow covered alps in less than 2 hours.
The Hermitage Hotel where we are staying is the only act in town. There is only the one other restaurant, and the hotel is not a luxury stay, but at luxury prices. There are lots of tour groups here (many from Japan) and a big buffet restaurant, which we have avoided so far. We are posting this in the cafe/bar which is really nice, and where the wireless internet is available at a price, also BIG screen TV with the All Blacks playing. We will go get a pizza back at the Old Pioneers cafe for supper. Tomorrow, we'll try another hike or two. The weather is supposed to be warm and beautiful again.
Hope your weather is warm and beautiful, and that you are doing as well as we are. Thanks for your comments. Love you all.
1 comment:
That is an awesome photo! I love it. You rock! (get it? jeje - spanish laughter). Take more photos of you and Bill! Noelquis asks where the heck is Bill?
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